CCNSG National Course

Back to: Health & Safety

Address:201 The Waterfront, Stonehouse Business Park, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, GL10 3UT

Duration:2 days

Timings:08:30:00 - 16:30:00

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Price: £182.50 + VAT
Duration: 2 days
Course Dates:


This CCNSG National course is for candidates who want up to date basic knowledge of Health & Safety, and is suitable for all client contractors employees. Course cost is £182.50+VAT £165+VAT for training £27.50 for ECITB registration fee and £15+VAT for refreshments


ECITB CCNSG passport training scheme is a way of ensuring that contractor personnel are trained and assessed to a minimum safety level. This training course is designed to train operatives to meet the standard and receive the CCNSG Passport Card.


Session 1 Understanding personal site safety responsibilities

  • Appreciate the scale of harm caused to people through poor health and safety performance
  • Understand the causes of accidents and incidents and the impact of personal behaviour and decision making in accident/incident prevention
  • Appreciate the consequences of positive and negative attitudes to safety
  • Understand the concept of “hazard”, “risk” and the importance of having and using adequate control measures
  • Delegates will participate in class discussions and activities on a number of topics including
  • the benefits of the CCNSG scheme, how injury and fatality rates could be improved, why people behave unsafely

Session 2 H & S legislation, regulations and safe working practices

  • Explain the status of Acts, Regulations, ACOP and guidance notes
  • Raise awareness of the main requirements of HASAWA relating employers and employees and possible sources of information on health and safety
  • Through discussion consider the consequences of incidents and accidents
  • Raise awareness of the role of Safety Representatives
  • Understand matters that must be reported to the HSE and the need to investigate incidents and accidents
  • Through discussion appreciate the powers of HSE Inspectors
  • Raise awareness of safe systems of work including the principles of risk assessment and the hierarchy of controls, the use of a Permit to Work System

Session 3 Common hazards at work

  • An awareness of common hazards at work and the associated safe systems/procedures that are commonly adopted in workplaces
  • An increased understanding/awareness of:
    • Why certain rules and procedures are in place
    • The importance of cooperating with the organisation(s) in control of the work.
  • The importance of personally raising concerns and reporting certain matters

Session 4 Other hazards, safety signs and the provision of PPE

  • Best practice in care of the environment
  • An awareness of some specific hazards at work and the associated safe systems/procedures that are commonly adopted in workplaces
  • An increased appreciation of the need to cooperate with employers, clients and other stakeholders in following safe systems of work
  • An increased awareness of best practice on environmental issues and the need to follow rules and procedures