CCNSG Renewal Course

Back to: Health & Safety

Address:201 The Waterfront, Stonehouse Business Park, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, GL10 3UT

Duration:1 day

Timings:08:30:00 - 16:30:00

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Price: £131.00 + VAT
Duration: 1 day
Course Dates:


The CCNSG Renewal Course is designed as a one day refresher course for those who have already passed the CCNSG National Course. The renewal course must be completed before the card expires, if not you will need to attend a two day National course instead. Course cost is £128.50+vat- £121.00+vat is the training and ECITB registration fee and £7.50+vat is for refreshments.


ECITB CCNSG passport training scheme is a way of ensuring that contractor personnel are trained and assessed to a minimum safety level. This course is designed to update operatives to meet the standard and to renew their CCNSG Passport Card.


  • Introduction, aims and objectives

The CCNSG Renewal Course covers the following objectives:

Session 1 Overview of Health and Safety framework in the UK

  •  Increased understanding of why achieving a safe working environment is important for employers, employees and members of the public
  • Increased awareness of how Acts, Regulations, ACOP and Guidance Notes set minimum standards of safety for everybody
  • Appreciate the main legal duties placed on employers and employees under the HASAWA
  • Understand the role of the HSE and the powers of HSE Inspectors

Session 2 Accident/incident causation and the impact of safe individual behaviour

  • Understand the causes of accidents and incidents and the impact of personal behaviour and decision making in accident/incident prevention.
  • Appreciate the consequences of positive and negative attitudes to safety
  • Understand the concept of “hazard”, “risk” and the importance of having and using adequate control measures
  • Delegates will participate in class discussions and activities on a number of topics including: the benefits of the CCNSG scheme, how injury and fatality rates could be improved, why people behave unsafely

Session 3 Safe Systems of Work

  • Better understanding of the component parts of safe systems of work and a better understanding of the importance of individuals following SSOW
  • Appreciation of how to conduct a simple risk assessment using the “5 steps” and the “ERIC PD” hierarchy
  • An appreciation of why and how PTW systems are used on complex/potentially high-risk activities to compliment basic risk assessments

Session 4 Common workplace hazards and controls

  • An awareness of common hazards at work and the associated safe systems/procedures that are commonly adopted in workplaces
  • An increased understanding/awareness of:
    • Why certain rules and procedures are in place
    • The importance of co-operating with the organisation(s) in control of the work.